Users can use the following macOS commands accordingly to their needs in their script to install the Netop Host on a macOS device.
To create an install script to install the Netop Host on a macOS device, proceed as follows:
1. Manually install the Host on a macOS device. Refer to the following link to download the Host. For more information on how to install the Host on a macOS device, refer to the attached Quick Install Guide for macOS.
2. Configure the Host accordingly to your needs. When you configure the Host, the host.xml file and host.lic file are generated. These files contain the configuration settings done to the Host and the license key and or enrollment key.
NOTE: The host.xml file and host.lic file can be found in /Library/Application Support/Netop/host/.
3. To stop the Host, you can use the following command:
launchctl unload -S Aqua /Library/LaunchAgents/com.netop.GUIAgent.plist
3. Copy the host.xml and host.lic files from the following folder path: /Library/Application Support/Netop/host/ to the macOS installation folder.
4. To start the Host, you can use the following command:
launchctl load -S Aqua /Library/LaunchAgents/com.netop.GUIAgent.plist
NOTE: You can use the Activity Monitor to verify that the Host has loaded or unloaded.
5. You can use the above commands to stop and start the Host in your install script.
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