If you currently have Netop installed using a trial or evaluation license and you have recently purchased a new license you may choose to apply the purchased license to your existing Netop installation. Be sure you are logged in to Windows using an account with administrative rights.
In the Netop module locate the Help>Apply License menu option where you can enter your organization name and paste your new Netop license number (aka serial number). Then press OK. You will be prompted to restart the Netop module to apply the change.
To verify that you have successfully applied the new license and are no longer running Netop with a trial license go to Help>About menu in the Netop module and check to see that it no longer indicates “Evaluation copy”.
If your Netop module is running on Windows 7 or similar operating system with UAC enabled you may encounter the following error when attempting to apply the new license.
Could not update license information. Please check your access privileges to the Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Danware Data A/S\Netop Family\CurrentVersion\License
If this error occurs exit the Netop module. Then locate the folder where the Netop module is installed. Normally found in “Program Files”. Then locate the Netop module exe file and right click on it and choose “Run as Administrator”. Acknowledge any UAC alerts in Windows. After the Netop module loads return to the Help>Apply License menu. You will now be able to successfully apply the license.
For the Netop Guest
Locate NGSTW32.exe. Right click on it and choose “Run as Administrator”.The default directory for the Guest installation:
On a 32-bit OS the Guest is installed in:
C:\Program Files\Impero\Impero ConnectGuestOn a 64-bit OS the Guest is installed in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ImperoImepro ConnectGuest
For the Netop Host
Locate NHSTW32.exe. Right click on it and choose “Run as Administrator”.The default directory for the Host installation:
On a 32-bit OS the Host is installed in:
C:\Program Files\Impero\Impero Connect\HostOn a 64-bit OS the Host is installed in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Impero\Impero Connect\Host
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